

Acoustics is a science that can be fine-tuned with the proper know-how and is just as important as the rest of an audio system’s design.

Acoustics can make a room sound open and cavernous with lots of reverb, or it can make a room sound quiet and dead with very little natural reverb. However, it takes more than slapping a few acoustic panels up on the walls to fully shape the acoustical response of a room. Everything from the material of the chairs down to the angle of the walls can affect the way sound waves interact with a room.

Summit’s approaches to acoustical design is to physically shape the room so that sound waves bounce off the walls in a way that sounds good when they hit your eardrums. We call this “Room Shaping.” We do this by working with architects to specify the wall angles, wall size, and in most cases, building material to ensure that every single sound wave reflection is either absorbed or reflected to a more ideal spot in the room. This can make for a very creative aesthetic look to the walls while still being a specific design to shape the acoustical sound of the room further.



An acoustically “live” room sounds like a big open cathedral or large cave with lots of reverberations. A fuller live sound is generally desirable for music.


A “balanced” room is generally referred to as “warm and tasty” by industry professionals.


An acoustically “dead” room sounds unnaturally quiet, like a recording studio or a small, carpeted office. This can provide more clarity and is desirable for speaking.